A world of learning awaits you

This Advance Certificate in Horticulture and Landscaping will provide opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in the horticultural industry. It will enable them to attain detailed levels of knowledge, skills and expertise in estate management, production techniques, and landscape maintenance.

What will I study?

During this course, you will cover the following units:

  • Understand the importance of the horticulture and landscaping
  • Understand the principles of plant science
  • Understanding the principles of soil science
  • Understand the principles of plant health and protection
  • Undertake identification, selection and use of ornamental plants
  • Undertake horticultural production activities
  • Manage plant propagation activities
  • Undertake machinery and equipment maintenance
  • Undertake tree and shrub pruning and maintenance
  • Maintain turf in parks and gardens
  • Understand the Principles and Practices of Landscape and Garden Design
  • Understand how to prepare estimates and contracts

Delivery Mode: Face-to-face/Classroom-Based

Assessment: Assessment is through a range of written and practical assignments set throughout the course.

Entry Requirements: Proficiency in literacy and numeracy at level 2; Vocational level 2 qualification in Horticulture or equivalent;(CAPTECH/NCTVET) Certificate in Horticulture and Landscape Maintenance.

Tel:876-665-3916; Mobile: 876-366-5375